Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, Ph.D.


Morénike Giwa Onaiwu is a global human rights and disability justice consultant, advocate, author, educator, and parent in a neurodiverse, multicultural, twice-exceptional serodifferent biological and adoptive family. A prolific writer and social scientist/activist with both lived and learned expertise whose work focuses on participatory research, meaningful community involvement, intersectionality, and accessibility, Morénike, a recognized leader and content expert in various collaborative endeavors, serves as founder/principal operator of Advocacy Without Borders, a nonprofit initiative offering lectures, advocacy, research, and related projects as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion training. Morénike, who is based in the US, maintains membership within several executive boards and is a highly sought after keynote lecturer and public speaker who has presented at the White House, the United Nations, and numerous peer-reviewed international conferences. Notable publications of Morénike’s include over a dozen monograph chapter contributions, digital scholarship, peer-reviewed articles and editorial work.

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