Education Driven By Student Passion
Parents often tell us they want an education for their children that incorporates their interests and passions. At Shrub Oak, we accomplish that by providing opportunities for active and experiential learning. By connecting with each child on an individual level, we create an environment that is conducive to the deepest level of learning possible. We […]
Integrated Student Life Approach
Student life is much more than just fun activities; it is an incorporation of all aspects of a student’s life into integrated transdisciplinary plan to develop skills for independence. At Shrub Oak, we pride ourselves in the wide array of opportunities for active exploration and learning that transcend the walls of the classroom to every […]
Community with a Community
The news is saturated with articles about organizations seeking to build their headquarters in a city that fits their exacting specifications. The cities eliminated from the competition are left to reflect on their weaknesses rather than the strengths that make them unique. Far from dictating its specifications, Shrub Oak International School continues to discover and […]
Finding the Right Fit: Boarding or Day School?
For some families, especially families with a child with autism, the thought of enrolling a son or daughter in a boarding school can be scary. But in reality, the benefits of a boarding program – particularly a leading-edge program such as Shrub Oak’s – are extraordinary, not only for the students, but for the family […]
A Connected-Community Driven Approach to Student Development
The adage “It Takes a Village….” to support a child, adolescent or young adult’s growth … is an understatement. Its application can extend beyond the traditional reference to a child’s family, home and the community in which they live. Shrub Oak International School passionately shares that holistic, community-driven philosophy toward development. Our boarding and day […]