Announcing the New Student-Run Pokémon Club at Shrub Oak International School

Shrub Oak International School is excited to announce the launch of our new, student-run Pokémon Club. This initiative reflects our commitment to fostering an inclusive, engaging, and supportive community for our students. The club is designed to offer a dynamic and interactive platform for students to explore their interests, develop social skills, and engage in […]

Exploring the Relationship Between Autism and Gaming

Gaming has emerged as a significant interest among autistic individuals, offering unique opportunities for social interaction, skill development, and cognitive engagement. Gaming can provide a structured environment where autistic individuals can thrive, thanks to the clear rules, predictable outcomes, and the ability to focus intensely on areas of interest. Video games, in particular, allow for […]

The Importance of Family Involvement in Residential Schools

Family involvement is crucial in residential schools, particularly for students with autism, as it significantly enhances the educational and developmental outcomes of these students. Active engagement of family members not only fosters a supportive environment but also bridges the gap between home and school, creating a cohesive and holistic approach to the student’s growth. At […]

Cooking Classes: Building Skills and Confidence for Autistic Students

Cooking classes play a crucial role in the holistic development of autistic students, offering a wide array of benefits that extend beyond the kitchen. Engaging in cooking activities provides autistic individuals with essential life skills, fostering independence, and enhancing their cognitive and motor abilities. The process of cooking requires following instructions, measuring ingredients, and managing […]

Autism-friendly Movies

Consider checking out these films and shows to watch with your family! These films feature autistic characters, provide sensory-friendly viewing experiences, and/or have themes that resonate with autistic individuals. The Disney and Pixar selections are popular on our campus! Temple Grandin (2010) This biographical drama portrays the life of Temple Grandin, an autistic woman who […]

Playtime Magic: How Toys Enrich the Lives of Autistic Individuals

Play is a vital aspect of development and enjoyment for autistic individuals, regardless of age. Toys offer a unique avenue for sensory engagement, social interaction, cognitive development, and emotional well-being. Understanding the multifaceted benefits of play can help caregivers, educators, and therapists harness its full potential in supporting the growth and happiness of autistic individuals. […]

Celebrating Direct Care Staff for Autistic Students at Residential Schools

Direct care staff play a crucial role in the lives of autistic students at residential schools. These dedicated professionals are not just caretakers, they are mentors, educators, and advocates who ensure that each student receives personalized support tailored to their unique needs. The significance of their role cannot be overstated, as they are integral to […]

Ways to Become Better Advocates and Allies for Autistic Individuals

Advocating for and supporting autistic individuals requires awareness, understanding, and proactive efforts. Here are several ways people can become better advocates and allies: Educate Yourself Understanding autism is the first step in becoming an effective advocate. Read books, attend seminars, and engage with credible online resources. Familiarize yourself with the diverse experiences of autistic individuals. […]

The Traditional School Calendar Fails Autistic Students: A Need for Consistency

The traditional school calendar, with its long summer break, poses several challenges for autistic individuals. While the extended vacation period is often seen as a time for rest and recreation, it can disrupt the structured routines that are vital for the well-being of autistic students. The abrupt change from a highly organized school schedule to […]

The Importance of Graduation Ceremonies for Autistic Individuals

Graduation ceremonies hold a significant place in the educational journey, serving as pivotal moments of achievement and transition. For autistic individuals, these ceremonies carry even greater importance, symbolizing not only academic success but also personal growth, resilience, and the culmination of years of support and effort. Firstly, graduation ceremonies provide a structured opportunity for autistic […]